see more infoREAL ESTATE
Rea Ventures Group provides innovative multifamily housing solutions by creating strong, enduring, vibrant communities that provide lasting value for generations. We specialize in development and long-term ownership of affordable and market-rate communities in the Southeast. Our developments are made possible by many types of real estate financing options including: Developer equity, 3rd party investor equity, conventional loans, a variety of federal and state financing programs including low-income housing tax credits, HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture housing programs.
As a community driven developer, we pride ourselves on our flexibility and responsiveness to market demands without sacrificing our vision of building for the future. Our communities are environmentally responsible, designed and built with energy and water efficient materials and systems, which are all part of our green building initiative. All of our communities are professional managed with on-site staff and built by licensed and bonded local contractors.
RVG is an experienced development company with over 40 years of development experience and has developed over 4,608 units of multi-family housing (including 550 senior units); 134 single-family homes and 5699 beds of students housing throughout the Southeast. We currently have an additional 852 units of multi-family and 60 units of senior housing under construction.
Rea Ventures Group is known for its ability to develop innovative financing structures and to close complex deals, which preserve and develop long-term housing affordability, for seniors, individuals with disabilities and family.
Market-Rate Apartments
Rea Ventures Group has development, constructed and owned multifamily rental housing since 2001. Rea Ventures continues to provide a reliable, safe and sustainable product to meet the nation’s rental housing needs.
Sustainable Developments
As an organization, Rea Ventures Group strives to be progressive in energy-efficient practices by identifying sustainable opportunities in the development, design, construction stages, and on-going management of our communities.